Friday, April 25, 2008

Gnarly Tree

Gnarly Tree: Are You Me?

O Gnarly tree
O Gnarly tree
I feel just like
You look to me.

You flinch beside one
Straight and true
I wonder what hap-
pened to you.

The same amount
of soil and sun
Why are you the
Unlucky one?

O Gnarly tree
O Gnarly tree
It all seems so
unfair to me.

Will poetry month ever end?
How much of this stuff can you stand?

Doug Palmer April 2008


  1. Hey Doug! I can stand more and wish National Poetry Month would never end. ;>

    I like 'your' poem so much, especially the reference to self. ;> Now I know you're a gnarly curmudgeon. heh heh

    And that tree looks like how my muscles feel right now. Ouch.

  2. I feel your pain.
    Well, it's mine I feel, but I can sympathize.

  3. Greetings, Doug, how are you feeling today? I spent too much time today pulling out all the overgrown Lamb's Ears on my garden slope. (Good for the calves, tho.) It's been rainy and nasty here in the Blue Ridge along the Shenandoah River but it's the best time to weed the garden with the ground nice and soft.

    I sure hope you have figured out that I'm actually responding to Glenn's comments and not to you, personally. Although, I did tag you as a quasi-curmudgeon based on something Glenn converted into a poem. He really does good work that way. And I really do think you're probably a very nice man. Well, you'd have to be, seeing as you're a musician. I get along fairly well with musicians having been around them practically all my life, and I've had 2 boyfriends who are drummers. Hmmm..I wonder what that says about me..? Would you know?

    Anyway, I hope you're not in as much pain as you were when you wrote your comment. That would be wrong. So, I'm wishing you a perfect day..:)
