Thursday, April 24, 2008

Water Voyage

Water Voyage

Water Voyage
began life
for a soloist,
in a piece called
Water Crossing,
that was commissioned by
clarinetist Gerard Errante.

When Gerry told me
of his friendship
with clarinetist D. Gause,
and their duet recitals
it seemed natural
to create
a second part.

Years ago
Gerry told me
of his canoe,
tied up at the dock
by his home
on the Virginia coastline.

The thought of it,
waiting there
for him
made me imagine
a beautiful journey
beginning in still
lake-like waters.

During this mythical voyage,
the canoe gradually
into a sailboat
entering the open ocean,
with dolphins dancing
ahead of the bow.

By the end of the piece
we’ve returned safely
to shore;
and peaceful.

With this version
of the music,
there are now
two happy adventurers
in the canoe.

Alex Shapiro 2007

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