Friday, April 11, 2008


Doug Palmer waxed poetic back a few years when discussing his lost love for Ms. Emily Dickenson. He has been a closet poet, even a dog poet, for decades. Only now, on this blog site has he dared enter the area of poetry, and let his lines dangle for all to peruse.


People of higher intelligence
by definition
live in a world
of fools.

They also have
the equipment
for irony, sarcasm
and other double-edged
coping mechanisms.

Who knows,
maybe there are
those smarter than us
who have developed
even more sophisticated methods
in order to deal
with our stupidity.

Our souls may soar
but our feet
are still covered in mud.

Doug Palmer 2006

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Doug, this bit of philosophy, prose, then poetry says a lot about you and Lane Savant, if we pay attention; which is not an easy task in this world of diversions and techno-wizardry.

