Friday, May 16, 2008

Bad Water Blues

Janet wrote a series of weather related haiku the other day on her blog, POETMEISTER. Here is another one I liked;

Creek floods over bank
soaks basement carpet anew -
water sinks all hope.

Janet Leigh

I wrote in response:

Your flood haiku is also good, needing to be nodded to, and patted strong on its shoulders, and stroked behind the ears.
/Creek floods over bank/ and it is always the innocent looking creek that swells up and becomes a river, pregnant with mud and branches and the innards of septic systems, pushing its way past your porch, and into your basement, making the wet bar even more so, burying the stumpy legs of the pool table, napping on the used couches and over stuffed chairs, soiling, and spoiling, bringing its ooze, its stink, and its sting to the knees of your stairs, or even into your house, God forbid.
/soaks basement carpet anew/ cuz it has happened before, and somehow you peeled back the muck, and shoveled the shit, and hauled the ruined furniture to the land fill, and found clean and dry to replace it; but to no avail, for here it is again, smiling muddy, making dirty gurgling deep within the bowels of your basement, daring you to come down. /water sinks all hope/ or so it seems, even though midst the despair, the tears, the exhaustion, plans begin again, and out comes the shovels, buckets, pick ups, and friends to clean up, to buck up, to hold up, and to start again and again.

You stimulate me to do some haiku too:

We live with water,
our bodies are mostly liquid;
yet we can’t breathe it.


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