Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cat Sera, Sera

Palmer's zany cat, Polalie, has gone missing--like for two weeks now. Let's all say a little feline prayer so that Polalie, the cat with the dented brain pan, will find his way back to the Red Wing Manor and crunchers of love. In the meantime, on FEEL FREE TO LAUGH, Lane segued into "Cat Sera-Sera."--followed by:

Here's all the ways I know to say What will be, will be;
What will be will be,
Que sera, sera,
Quod fiat, fiat.
Si es atal, es atal.
Che Cosa sara sia,
Cual sera sea,
Ce qui sera soyez,
Was ist, seien Sie,
Wal zal zai zjin zjin,
Αυτό που θα είναι θα είναι,
Что будет, будет,
Cat sera, sera

Let's hear for the razor sharp wit and scholarly endeavor of Doug Palmer!


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