Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dan Aykroyd Speaks

Greetings and death to our enemies.
Dan Aykroyd

I drive a V10 Ford Excursion and I have to tell folks all the time: look I've got five kids and a dog and birds. I would have to have two Lincolns with two V8s, you see, so it would be 16 cylinders.
Dan Aykroyd

I live in a high rise with my family part of the year in New York and I don't know three quarters of the people in the building. We live in the same square-footage and I wouldn't know who they were.
Dan Aykroyd

I love to come in and play with a wig or glasses or clothes. I love using props. I'm from the Peter Sellers school of trying to prepare for the character.
Dan Aykroyd

There's huge, massive mother ships going up to the Yukon. They've been filmed and are on video.
Dan Aykroyd

We must come to the point where we realize the concept of race is a false one. There is only one race, the human race.
Dan Aykroyd

Well, the common enemy in North America is the Western consumer. The consumer has driven oil up to $50 a barrel so we have to have these wars. I think it's incumbent upon us to.
Dan Aykroyd

You look at the floor and see the floor. I look at the floor and see molecules.
Dan Aykroyd

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