Wednesday, May 7, 2008



I'm on my way downtown
For some reason
I find these jaunts
Even though
I don't do much
but walk around
and look at stuff.

I guess it's
that it seems
to have more promise
of adventure.
Not that I'd actually want
what most adventures
i.e. trouble
to be overcome.
But sometimes
pleasant things happen.
Running into people
I know.
Just ordering coffee.
Watching folks
rummaging the streets
looking for the solutions
to their woes.
Catching odd bits
of conversation.
Stuff like that.

And there is
other perks;
Some exercise.;
Out of the stuffy house;
Gazing at
the strange empty space
between 2nd and 3rd /
University and Union.
Looks like a good spot
for a parking garage.

Doug Palmer

Glenn responded with:

The "empty lot" that you stare at so intently, reminds me of when Dave Beck tore down the old Liberty Theater on First Avenue in 1955 in order to make room for a parking lot. Those coordinates seem familar, enit?

Benaroya Hall is located in the heart of downtown Seattle directly across 2nd Avenue from the Seattle Art Museum. Benaroya Hall is bounded on the north by Union Street, and on the south by University Street; on the east by 3rd Avenue and on the west by 2nd Avenue.

It is perhaps a good thing that you are not King of Seattle, or the SSO would be on the streets, homeless, witless, desperate, downtrodden, repentent, and like that.

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