Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Poem collage of Eva Cassidy’s Live at Blues Alley

I heard an angel sing -
my silver chord affirms
this; a voice so sweet
so pure, no crystal known
could ring as clear,
nor take the soul so far
from earth, or all the pain upon it.

This voice sang through -
this voice rang true -
country jazz or bluesy blues
she sang them all -
she paid her dues -
made strong men cry too.

I heard this angel sing -
my silver chord affirms
this; so-tall Georgia trees
abloom sunlit breeze
her bridge too far
for silver birds to fly,
her troubled waters all gone by.

I think willows weep now

sway mournfully, whisper
eva eva eva, we grow so high
to shade you so -
if only through the thicket
you would go once more.

I heard this angel sing -
my silver chord affirms
this; she knew misery
and merriness run through
man, yet had no bridge
across troubled waters - and
her courage - all women giving birth.

We’ll remember you as you sang us
through fields of barley


These falling leaves drift past
my window, I hear you
in every color red green

and gold.

I swear, eva, if I had
a wonderful life to give you,
I could never weave one as fine
as you have done,
it takes a journeyman to portray
life’s rainbow design, and
your heartsong rings through it.

In Loving Memory of
Eva Cassidy 1963-1996

Janet Leigh Dowd January 2008

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