Monday, May 5, 2008

Lotta Hummin'

Lotta Hummin'

Smudge and I
both appreciate
the wooded view
from my desk.

When we each turn
our little heads
to the left,
we can see
the water reflecting
under a greyly shrouded sky
that’s holding the sun

Ever the optimists,
the sun still shines
despite the haze;
Smudge still thinks
he can snag
that hummingbird,
and I still believe
that I can finish
this afternoon
that methodically glares at me
from a blue post-it note
just out of view.

In the constant struggle
of wills and power,
I like to think
that a positive outlook
trumps all;
despite odds
to the contrary.
Reality is for sissies!

Alex Shapiro May 2, 2008

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