Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meighan in Misalignment

April 21 2004

Doug, Some months ago, I asked you to leave me alone and explained as best I could why.
You stopped e-mailing me, which I appreciate. However, since then you have offered to come with me on Symphony on Wheels, asked me to play flute for your composition at Composers Salon, and now asked me to listen to your composition and give you feedback. I don't think you understand that this is not what I would consider leaving me alone, so I am repeating my request. Please leave me alone.

Thank you


P.S. I have put your CD in Bryan's box, as I think he wanted to hear it.

I was told "O, that's just Meighan"
That really pissed me off.

So here's my response, which I didn't send upstairs.

In spite
of its toothlessness,
your complaint does
constitute a harrassment complaint.
This makes it
a serious act
on your part.

I am not the cause
of your discomfort.
I am not the one
who beat you up.
I am not the one
who put your down.
I am not the one
who verbally or psychologically
abused you.

I am hurt
and angry
that you would do this
to me;
But I refuse
to be your enemy.

All I can do
is stay on this side
or whatever line
you drew;
and offer you
my sympathy,
my empathy,
my compassion,
my love,
my intelligence, and
my concern
for your pain
in the hope
that it may be

My heart is open
to you,
and my hand is out
in friendship.

That worked to get me an interview with "human" resources.
It wasn't done properly of course. They didn't care about either one of us.

But My ally informed me that they thought of it as a "poem"

It is a simple statement of my relevant feelings in the matter.

So, bite me, Buttkus

Glenn responded with:

So the ingrate bureaucrat who labeled this response, this message as a "poem", probably thought he was slamming the work, but actually he was praising it.

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