Thursday, May 15, 2008

Evening's Lips

Janet and her haiku--it really gets you going:

Earth bids day goodnight -
as red lips kiss fading light
veiled by lacy woods.

Janet Leigh

This haiku rocks! Fresh, imaginative, complete, rich, yet sparse and specific. It is one of my favorites of yours so far, but I am sure you will create some equal soon. The photo is both beautiful and surreal, kind of like your various states of mind. You not only see nature clearly, but you see and hear its latent poetry. And now you have gone a step further and sculpted an icon into a metaphor, bent the laws of nature, and made them your very own. Bravo, dear lady! Keep them coming!

Spring in the northwest
is hearty, yet dissident;
snow on the blossoms.


Wow. Have you ever put a smile on my face, Glenn! Thank you. Not everyone sees me as having a surreal mind, so that’s a new one of me. But - quite true. Quite true. heh Pretty soon people will come to know me as That [Uri] Geller Girl Who Bends Illegitimate Poem into Nature’s Law .. lol Does this satisfy the requisite for an Emily Emmy,.. or whatever they could call it. ;>

Your haiku is beautiful as well. And conforms to 5-7-5! Your word choices are primo - hearty/yet dissident. Just the right tone.. hearty is haughty, ‘yet dissident’ can be delivered in monotone clenching one’s teeth in annoyance. I love it!


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