Friday, May 16, 2008

Mud Never Sleeps

Mud never sleeps, always on the move, as we keep chopping down trees and clearing brush and pulling those life-saving erosion controlling roots to make way for our fancy homes and better views–or sometimes we are just unlucky and are doing all the kind things to the earth, and mud finds us anyway.

Janet wrote:

Brown tracks into house
mudslides never walk softly -
death carry’s big sticks.

Janet Leigh

Nice poetry–it certainly puts the fear of wet dirt into our viscera.


Top of the afternoon to you, sir! Thanks for your eloquent response to my lowkus. [How low can I go? I've a handful of lowkus that might actually be bookus, Glenn. Shall I post them anyway? And chance the thrown tomatoes? heh heh] I love what you wrote, “mud never sleeps” which is so true! There’s mud somewhere in the world right now serving up mischief! And dang if you’re not right about our part in causing massive erosion from our deforestation of large plots of land for our castles. Speaking of trees [it's a stretch, I know], I just got my 10 flowering trees from the Arbor Day Foundation. The crape myrtles I had been growing for 5 years died last Spring while I was stuck in MichiganSucks! for 6 months! The foundation sends little stick trees anywhere between 6in. and 36in. that I plant in 6 in. to 8 in. pots and keep them close to the house until they’re large enough to plant out in the back 40 somewhere. I like knowing I do some small part towards preventing erosion by planting my little trees on our property.

BTW, I love what you’re doing on your blog, Feel Free to Read, Glenn! The marriage between poetry and song lyrics is harmonious and gives those lyrics a home for closer scrutiny. Some of those songs take on an entirely different feel and meaning when read versus hearing them sung. Plus you come up with some really stunning photos to accompany your poems and lyrics. Please, my dear readers, go check out Glenn’s blog for some real in-depth coverage of poetry, movies, songwriters and whatever moves Glenn’s fancy. However, I must add a disclaimer here because Glenn has posted a lot of my poems on his blog, so if you’re disinclined to see me splashed across his blog, please put your blinders on and take a look at the other interesting posts on his site. I can spend hours there (no, not staring in the mirror ;>) reading about Joni Mitchell, Billy Joel, Dylan, The Doors, and now a whole slue of quotes by celebrities. Too kewl, Glenn…:)


Wow, looking at my opening prose, once again the poetic muses cried hey, look closer--isn't there a poem hiding amongst the clauses? Yes, I replied--there was.

Mud Never Sleeps

Mud never
always on the move,
as we keep chopping
down trees
and clearing brush
and pulling up those
to make way
for our fancy homes
and better views--
or sometimes
we are just
and we are doing
all the kind things
to the earth,
and mud finds us

Glenn Buttkus May 2008

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