Friday, May 9, 2008

Ode to Woman

Ode to Woman

She rode in on rare Castle Rock
air, head tilted toward a dream

vision voiced, bell-ring clear
& fate fixed
parched labor long now drawn
into life’s rich, vibrant stream

refreshed and strong
purposed longings revived
foreseen off-on horizon’s edge
will claim her frail albatross

tacit strength anew, knowing
she steers her own fortune
twinkle-eyed and amiss in bliss
(she held her gifts out of sight,
like stars aglow for midnight)

she stoops to a broken stem
lifts life’s trembling rose
purses lips to bloom

misses not its message lost
in heart-felt gloom
boldly keep a keen eye
for far off storms approach -
keep adjuvant ear to ground
life being like that
will ferry no linger nor look back
she preens it

She is on a different track
at life’s breach
where no man stands for long

worn reins in a pair of hands
a cry a sigh a heart expands
a steady steed he goes
to a place where no man knows
it set a steel-eyed course

for far off fertile land
where a rare wind blow
she stops
clear the air of heady thought
draws an eye over, high above Rock
to a glide pattern old Eagle Eye
plays to

catching fetching golden rays
soon to settle in its rest
far from eyes that stare him down
she, in wingless gaze task to test
with hope to rote
traces its glorious flight to nest

she owes no man quarter
she lives to give
reins the gain of many returns
her gifts lost on those who lack
life’s bright and heady light
hidden in plain view
for those who know
innocence is soul sight

her purpose hands expand on Rock
the earth nods
rowing white waters the river sings
earth curtsies
follow her rhythm
down to Sublime
no simple way to read her soul
than to walk through it

this, a soft-footed, brown-haired
lithe-limbed warble-voiced bird;
it is why the earth loves through her
hands, like panned gold
it is how she knows the silence
running beneath hop-scotched snow

she flows

self-taught to twinkle,
this one knows
no permanent perch
she learns, she flows
better to scope the swoop like Eagle Eye
harmonize her nest
she learns, she earns
with eye to eventual rest

there is a name for this
hidden within a miracle
hidden within a name.
do you hear it
you shall know it

sound of a clear clean heart
plum of nature’s best
it’s ridden the river
been put to the test
pools out a mind for all
who thirst, will drink
too deeply
for all life’s hurt

will wear pain like a cross
love like a curse
fought in a breach left
where no man stands

She’s of the Ancient Ones
she’s one of the blessed
makes your life a purpose
as she makes your life a nest
purpose makes for perfect life
and she your perfect rest

This is a miracle
this, a name anew
This a miracle
the One who Calls for You

Copyright (c) 2007, JLD
Revised 01-01-08

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