Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Peace, or Die!

Peace, or die!

We are soldiers of peace
trampling over tiny tulips a la tim
we do not suffer fools in curly
whirly-wigs or whining ukulele lips
bent on shattering fragile and gifted
Austrian lead crystal-lined brains!
no - we will be surly early morning risers
on the eve of destruction - but beware
if not for matins prayer

my mind should have shattered years ago

we are soldiers of peace!
don’t want no feminazi skin-headed grief!
we do not suffer fools or freaks
while teaching camaraderie
multiculturolinguistically - oh no!
we march to the right orders left
by our forefathers who knew meaning
of civility and standing one’s ground
if not - for Christ’s sake

this union would have no matter years ago!

we are! soldiers! of peace!
we will kill long deep and continuously
if you stand in our way for God’s sake!

Janet Leigh February 2008

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