Friday, May 30, 2008

Red Poppy

Painting by Linda Paul

Red Poppy

Stately red poppy
singularly dejected -
discovers new bud!

Janet Leigh

Yes, yes, there it is standing alone /stately red poppy/ in a field of white or undeveloped flowers, so conspicuous, the rugged individual, the pariah/singularly dejected/--yet entirely able to persevere, to promulgate its message, to be proud of its individuality, its uniqueness, as it /discovers new bud!/. Yes, as one of your commentors mentioned, sometimes we all have felt this way, the black sheep in the herd of white, the white tiger in a sea of orange stripes, the Scottish Highlander, hairy and long-horned billeted in a herd of Herefords. So, you the poetess, the poet, the woman, the person, has had this moment of introspection leading to a smile, an epithany, a realization that your very redness is God's gift. So go forth, kiss the bees and birds, and spread your seed, smear the fields with your vermilion vigor.



  1. If you wids to use an artist artwork , you must ask permission first, I am the artist of the red poppy , please email me immediately for permission or risk having your blog shut down for copyright violation. YOu should know better

  2. I posted the poem for friend, Doug. Love your blog site too, Rick. Taking my cue from Janet Leigh, I have used your wonderful paintings to illustrate several poems here on this site. For readers, please check out Rick Mobbs, paintings and poetry at MINE ENEMY GROWS OLDER,


  3. Actually, I did contact Linda Paul and ask for permission to use her painting, but this morning I posted the wrong message on the wrong comment. CRS is a terrible thing.

