Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Robert Stack Said

A great chef is an artist that I truly respect.
Robert Stack

Also the pictures themselves give a visual to the audience tuning in, that makes them a very important part of law enforcement, or pulling families together.
Robert Stack

And when I did the Untouchables, I told them going in, if you try apologizing for any of these crumb bums, get someone else to play the part.
Robert Stack

For years people have called it a Heart Line, when you send it out it is received and recepted, on this show, they like it. I think.
Robert Stack

I am very pro law enforcement.
Robert Stack

I don't mind UFO's and ghost stories, it's just that I tend to give value to the storyteller rather than to the story itself.
Robert Stack

I find these shows very touching sometimes.
Robert Stack

I grew up in France, my first language was French, and I tend to gravitate towards French cooking.
Robert Stack

I grew up years ago doing something that unfortunately doesn't hardly exist any more, a medium called Radio.
Robert Stack

I learned early on, having known the most handsome, successful, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Robert Taylor, don't ever spend too much time looking in the mirror.
Robert Stack

I never put my arms around John Gotti, Al Capone or Lucky Luciano.
Robert Stack

I play bad golf for good charities like the LA Police.
Robert Stack

I think the instant communication, which is something to me of an eye opener, is the best possible way to solve crimes and mysteries.
Robert Stack

I think voiceover is an adjunct that actors have picked up that have given us some security.
Robert Stack

I wander around and my wife and I are very close, we go out and go to places we discover, we love to eat and drinking doesn't hurt.
Robert Stack

I'm very proud this show has been accepted for this length of time.
Robert Stack

I'm working 2 days a week right now, narration usually on Wed., and host on camera on Friday.
Robert Stack

If you don't love it, you can't suffer thru all the despair that comes with it. Keep doing it because you love it.
Robert Stack

In terms of segments, I think we've done 1,200.
Robert Stack

In the Belgian air force a general supposedly saw a UFO, tracked it with his plane, photographed it with his wing cameras. And I believe it because I said to myself why would this person, not getting paid for this, do it unless it actually happened or he thought it happened.
Robert Stack

It's a word called symbiotic, you send the messages and it comes back in return. Together, it's a wonderful thing, it's why television is so great and film can never reach.
Robert Stack

Lucille was a darling lady. Probably the finest comedienne in the business.
Robert Stack

Now on the other hand, if someone is selling a product, opening a dance studio, or has some other aim to help themselves, then I tend to look askance at some of these strange stories from outer space.
Robert Stack

Our profession is very much like going to a cocktail party, you check out the guest list.
Robert Stack

Someone once accused me of being like Eliot Ness. I sad no sir, I'm not E.N., but I can promise you that I'm not Al Capone!
Robert Stack

Speed was a very important part of my life. Someone once asked me if I ever tried drugs. And I said I didn't need it, I had speed. It's a kick.
Robert Stack

That's why I never took this business too seriously, thinking I was something special, when I knew the truly great performers in motion pictures. pictures.
Robert Stack

The dog has behaved himself quite well all day, and the show is doing fantastically well in the ratings... I have no reason to be sad!
Robert Stack

These are icons to be treasured.
Robert Stack

They have a book of locations, and we would do a story about the Sahara Desert for instance, and in the California book you would find a comparable location, to match that location in California.
Robert Stack

This show television wise its quite different from motion papers, you get to come into people's homes and become in a sense part of their life.
Robert Stack

Thru the auspices of the viewers who become - I think this is an import - in a democracy, become a working unit with law enforcement against the criminals.
Robert Stack

We did a show called The Orphan Train, during the depression, when families didn't have enough money to support their children, they'd put them on the train and hope someone would pick them up who had enough money to support their children.
Robert Stack

Whether it s the country or city, I never liked the bad guy.
Robert Stack

Yes, and many times it's frustrating, because I'm simply part of the show, and I'm not in the creative end of it, who goes out with detectives and tries to find these things out.
Robert Stack

You have to love the doing of what you're doing and not wait for the phone to ring.
Robert Stack

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