Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tommy Chong Said

And I don't really drink alot of booze, alcohol will kill ya... but I smoke all the pot I can find, I don't smoke it all at once, I just do a little bit at a time, and I uh, I used to take acid but I quit around 1971.
Tommy Chong

Any excuse to live in New York and do art. Has to be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world.
Tommy Chong

Because the pot takes the edge off the adrenaline, and it also clears your mind of it, and then you can see things a lot clearer.
Tommy Chong

But on the other hand, pot is the best recreational substance for teenagers, athletes, people who have naturally high adrenaline.
Tommy Chong

But you can't exercise and be high. It's impossible.
Tommy Chong

Cigarettes, I won't do cigarettes, nicotine will kill ya.
Tommy Chong

Every time I get tested, I ask questions about it, and I watch how they do it.
Tommy Chong

I know, because I tried all sorts of ways of being in character, and the best way is to be totally straight.
Tommy Chong

I never did smoke that much pot; never was a big pothead.
Tommy Chong

I was about sixteen when I discovered that music could get you laid, so I got into music boy, didn't matter what you looked like either, you could be a geeky looking guy but if you played music, whoa, you'd get the girls.
Tommy Chong

I was the original guy that started that group, Bobby Taylor was, I started off with a group called The Shades we were in Calgary.
Tommy Chong

I'm as clean as a whistle.
Tommy Chong

If I don't get paid I'm going to take a whole lot of Marshall amps home with me on the plane.
Tommy Chong

Just recently up in Utah, some guy got 55 years for selling an ounce of pot to an undercover agent.
Tommy Chong

Maybe once in a while, you know, after a hard day of shooting or something like that, I'd kick back.
Tommy Chong

No. Maceo played sax, didn't he, well they used to sit in.
Tommy Chong

One night all the James Brown band was playing on stage and I look in the back and I could see Mick Jagger and Keith Richards trying to get in the club and they couldn't get in cause it was to crowded.
Tommy Chong

The funny thing is, Dennis Miller got me back into comedy.
Tommy Chong

The Shades never recorded anything, Little Daddy and the Bachelors recorded a couple of records, ya.
Tommy Chong

They just wanted to show the entertainment world that we're vulnerable.
Tommy Chong

Unfortunately, the American justice system is just riddled with lies and inconsistencies.
Tommy Chong

We won a contest at the teen fair in Vancouver and the first prize was a recording contract and we recorded at a radio station on the stairway, and we did a record and it got put out.
Tommy Chong

Well I don't know, I might have lost my citizenship, I don't think you can lose your citizenship though.
Tommy Chong

Well, I had an after hours club in Vancouver and when any of the Motown acts would call.
Tommy Chong

Ya, we had a number one record, ya we, there's a lot of history there, we uh, we discovered the Jackson Five, opening for us one place.
Tommy Chong

You know, I left the country when Reagan got in; I went to France. And when George Bush Jr. got in, my instincts told me it was time to go - I'd felt that we had grown above that, you know?
Tommy Chong

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