Friday, May 2, 2008

Valentine Resonance

Valentine Resonance


Doug Palmer said:
I still cling
to the absurd notion
that love is
of some practical use,
when we all know
that it actually is
pie in the sky.

I heard from an old friend,
a good buddy
from high school;
who is
a poet,
an actor,
a philosopher,
and a big time movie buff.

Readers all—
I don’t know if me
loving you
does any good,
but at least it
makes me feel
a little more like
a partially decent
human being.


Glenn Buttkus said;
The decades between us
are dust,
and how wonderful
on this Valentine’s Day
to read your message
from the heart.

Seattle for me
has turned into
a city of ghosts.
Living in Tacoma
these last 25 years
has altered my perceptions;
remember in 1958
when we called Tacoma,
“the armpit of Puget Sound”?
All I can say today
in its defense
is it’s cleaner now,
and the South Sound
has its charms.

Until you surfaced
recently as a respondent
to one of wayward postings
on anther blog site,
I thought of you
as a ghost;
a ghost who walks.

Nice to see
there is still some flesh
on those old bones, boy—
and obviously still
some rancor and rage
left between your ears.

Oh, and one last
will you be
my valentine?

Valentine’s Day 2007
Feel Free To Laugh

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