Thursday, May 8, 2008

Walking in Seattle

Walking in Seattle

These cold days
when the sun is bright
and the air is clear
are excellent days
for walking.

My usual walk
is from downtown Seattle,
where the #7 bus lets me off,
near the library,
to Broadway and Pine--
where I study composition
at Seattle Central Community College.

I always go early
so that I can explore
the city a bit.
I used to visit friends
at Soundbridge,
(Seattle Symphony's Music Discovery Center),
but I don't do that
because of what,
you know.
I have a discrimination complaint
against the Symphony
in progress,
so maybe that will change.

I did about 2 miles here
in my South Seattle neighborhood,
(Rainier Beach),
checking out a new trail
called "Chief Sealth".
It follows the path
of a power transmission line
which runs from
way the heck out there somewhere
all the way
into town.

Maybe I'll walk
the whole thing
some day.
The paved part
is only a few blocks long,
but it promises to continue
in the future.
I didn't walk too far
off the pavement
because of the long and frozen grass.

I am reminded of many walks
I experienced
when I was in the Army
and stationed in Fairbanks.
It was much colder,
of course,
and the landscape presented
a stark beauty
that made me think I could be
on another planet.

Here in Seattle,
it is much milder
and much greener,
not to mention much easier
to find
a nice warm cup of coffee.

I like
the Kubota Gardens,
a very lovely place to wander.
Mr. Kubota
started his garden
in the late forties
or early fifties;
couldn't have been earlier,
because he would have,
been in a prison camp.
Remember WW2?

My wife used to play there
when she was a kid.
There is another Japanese garden
in the University of Washington Arboretum
which is also a great place
to walk.

I love to walk--
as an art form,
it leaves even less artifact
than writing music.
As excercise
it is an easy
and natural way
to get around.
it provides me
with an excuse
for not accomplishing anything.

I cannot shut off
my mind,
but walking
at least
provides distraction.
The only downer is
that you ocasionally
run into other people;
people who glare
as if they wished
you weren't there--
but that seems to be
a general theme
in my life.

There is undoubtedly
much more to say
about walking in Seattle
on cold, clear days.
There is a reason
that the human body
is half legs.
So, goodbye,
It's another beautiful day;
I'm going for a walk.

Douglas Palmer


  1. I am from Oklahomam new here and I think I have lost weight and actually feel better with all this walking.
    No reason not to walk here, seems like everyone else is.

    Love the name of your blog BTW

    Peace, CHaz

  2. Hello Chaz:
    So nice to have you drop in. Doug Palmer is the blog master, as well, on another blog; FEEL FREE TO LAUGH. He has quite a wit. Washington state must be quite a change from the flatness of most of Oklahoma; although I remember some hills and forests in the southern corner, bordering Texas and Arkansas.

