Monday, May 19, 2008

William Petersen Said

Basically, we are a whole world of people desperately trying to figure out what is the dark side of our natures and how much can we explore without becoming something else.
William Petersen

I didn't want to play a lawyer. I didn't want to play a doctor. I didn't want to play a single dad. I wanted to do something I felt I could learn from, something that would be a challenge and something that would not dry up.
William Petersen

I want to live and work in Chicago for the rest of my life. You know when you were growing up and you wanted to become president? What I want now is to be mayor of this damned town in ten years.
William Petersen

I've been telling anybody who would listen that I wanted to do a series for the last 10 years. But I wouldn't do it if I was just another cop pushing bad guys up against the wall.
William Petersen

I've never been in this business for the recognition or the awards. I just want to do good work, grab a decent paycheck, and move onto the next job.
William Petersen

If I stayed a football player, my career would have been over 20 years ago. As it is, my knees are shot. I found I got the same good feeling in acting that I had in sports, but I found I could have a more profound impact on people.
William Petersen

One of the things I love about theater, one of the reasons I'll never give it up, is that it's fifty percent the audience's responsibility.
William Petersen

Sure, I always chose rebels to identify with - I still do - but to me a rebel isn't so much someone who breaks the law as someone who goes against the odds.
William Petersen

We're getting to the age when we're starting to see that responsibility isn't such a bad thing, when we see maturity as the key to sustenance.
William Petersen

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