Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back In The Day

Back In The Day

back in the day
when we would ride around
in Lucille
and scratch up
a couple of bucks
to put 5 gallons
of 15 cent gas
in the tank
and four or five
similarly priced burgers
in our guts
and have a hell of a time?

You know,
back when Roy Cohn
and his girl friend,
Joe McCarthy
were on the hook
of the KGB
trying to find
everywhere; but
where they were?
where they were,
was stealing
H-bomb secrets?

Nothing has changed
since then
Nothing has changed
since Thucidides told us
about the slag,
scum and shit
that inevitably floats
to the surface
of any great ape society.

All we've got
is each other,

Doug Palmer June 2008

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