Monday, July 14, 2008

A Light Dark Poem

A Light Dark Poem

Sweet sweet engine of mercy,
bright flying speck in the sun,
tomorrow I’ll be riding a donkey,
tomorrow I’ll be on my way home.

We will go to the invisible carnival.
We will ride the invisible rides.
We will not stand in line
we will have a great time
as we flash our bright wings in the sun.

I will buy you lavender ice cream
I will throw the poor doggie a bone
you will shoot out the eyes of the targets
and win us a free ticket home.

Sweet sweet engine of mercy,
bright flying speck in the sun,
tomorrow I’ll be riding a donkey,
tomorrow I’ll be on my way home.

But, what if some darkthing I see?
And what if it whispers my name?
And if the darkling should take me?
So seeing you never shall be?
Well, then the gathering light,
the gathering light,
the gathering light
shall have me…

Rick Mobbs

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