Friday, July 11, 2008

Maybe It Wasn't Some Great or Tragic Flaw

Painting by Mike Riley

Maybe It Wasn't Some Great or Tragic Flaw

Maybe it wasn’t
some great
or tragic flaw.
It could have been
just an occurrence
like a watchspring
come unsprung
and deciding
to dance.

Power comes from,
rests and abides with
the old rotten Stonehenge figures
and grandfathers.
You hear me say
I love you
and any question
of death
with the other
laterlater thoughts.
Because it won’t,
will it?
Happen here?
It can’t,
not yet.

Oh, there’s more
of the pretty
due us first.
We’ve been too long
making do
and hurting.
We’ve much more
of the pretty due.
Past due.
Pity us.
Pretty us.

Rick Mobbs 2008

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