Friday, July 25, 2008

Orange Alert


There’s an increase in chatter
over lines taut and humming
An increase in chatter:

“Best to watch out
Try to take care”

Chopper above us
Whirlpool of air
Clatter of rotor blades
Cameras and monitors
Night vision binoculars
Check out
The green land below

Yes an increase in chatter
Over the airwaves
Over the wires
Repeating repeating
war war war

On multiple screens
Crowds roaring in rage
Fists in the camera
Face in the camera
Face looming large

screen flickers kinetic
Jittery dance
Stutter and prance
shudder and scream
Two, three, a crowd

tear at the sash, scrabble at glass
An increase in chatter
What do I see.
Face at the window

nowhere to go

by Eleanore Lee

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