Monday, August 25, 2008

Is It Just Me?

Painting by Mike Riley

Doug Palmer this morning on FEEL FREE TO LAUGH, led off his posting with some
Emily Dickinsonisms. Per usual his dry wit and acerbic humor left me in stitches.

Is It Just Me?

So here's a poem of Emily's.
It's the first one I've ever read that is immediately understandable.
But it's given as an example of a totally incomprehensible one.

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
Your prayers, oh Passer by!
From such a common ball as this
Might date a Victory!
From marshallings as simple
The flags of nations swang
Steady - my soul: What issues
Upon thy arrow hang!

How 'bout?

I woke up this morning full of energy
It's kind of scary, even
This is the kind of energy
That can cause great things to happen
Simple beginnings as this
Have created new countries
I've got to stay cool: Who knows
What will happen today?

Or even;

O! What a beautiful morning!
O! What a beautiful day!
I've got a (kind of a scary) beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way.

Or, What the hell'

Goodness - Gracious -
Great balls of Fire!!!

Go figure

I woke up today
with a feeling similar to that.
I'd describe it to you,
but I've just done that.
Besides, "feelings" are useless
and have no practical value.

I'm sure that today will be
no more than the usual click
of the conveyor belt
that drags us to the edge
of the big garbage dump
("transfer station" these days)
in the sky.

Doug Palmer August 2008


  1. "Transfer Station" ?
    Jeez, even death has middlemen.

  2. Or, should that be Death has "government interference"
