Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not Made in the USA

Painting by Nelson Boren

Not Made in the USA

They's gotta be somethin' terrible wrong
when yer horse an' dog won't go t'ya.
An' the thing that comes to m'mind right off
is m'jeans was made in Cambodia.

I know, they's a lotta good people there,
an' I don't mean t'sound like a pest.
But Cowboy Clothes to my way a thinkin',
oughta come from here in the West.

I miss buyin' Texas-made Cowboy Shirts,
an' Arizona-made blue jeans.
They's Cowboy Boots that're Taiwanese,
an' I wonder what alla this means.

I seen a Cowboy Hat that's made in China,
an' I tell ya, that ain't no joke.
We're drivin' cars from around the world,
while the workin' folks here go broke.

They's cars that come from South Korea,
an' from Yugoslavia, too.
An' Japan, a course, they're makin' a bunch,
despite all the gripin' I do.

An' I wonder jist how it's all come to this?
Seems we're givin' it all away.
I miss buyin' stuff with a label that says,
it's "Made in the USA."

Copyright © Hal Swift

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