Monday, September 29, 2008



Hana steps out of a storm
into a stranger's warm, but
hard-up kitchen.
She sees what must be done.
So she takes off her coat,
rolls up her sleeves
and starts pitchin' in.

Hana has a special knack
for getting people back
on the right track,
'cause she knows,
they all matter;
so she doesn't argue or flatter,
she doesn't fight the slights--
she takes it on the chin
like a champ.

Hana says when life's a drag,
don't cave in,
don't put up a white flag--
raise up
a white banner
in this manner--
straighten your back,
dig in your heels
and get a good grip on your grief!

Hana says,"Don't get me wrong,
this is no simple Sunday song,
where God or Jesus comes along
and they save 'ya."
You've got to be braver than that--
you tackle the beast alone,
with all its tenacious teeth!
Light the lamp.

Joni Mitchell

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