Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Let Sarah Shine

Let Sarah Shine

Watching SNL last Saturday
was an inspiration.
If it would guarantee
four years of Tina Fey
making fun
of our little arctic Annie Oakley
(Sarah Palin),
I think I might be willing
to vote for the McPalin ticket.

Government isn't good for anything
but humor anyway.
Admit it,
don't you miss tricky Dick?
Dan Quayle?
How, how, how, are we ever going
to replace W's aleatory pie hole?
So, come on Sarah!
we're even losing Gerry Schwartz.

Life will always be
the miserable food fight
it has always been.
Government will continue to be
organized crime's jock strap.
And when I say "organized crime",
I include religion,
of course.

So we need people
to make fun of,
to insult in sneaky ways
only we sophisticated intellectual types
can understand.

Johnny Mac will probably
fall asleep
as soon as he takes office anyway
so Sarah Should Shine.

Doug Palmer September 2008

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