Sunday, November 16, 2008



I've been thinking about pain, how each of us constructs our past
to justify what we feel now. How each successive pain distorts the


I picked up the phone because it was ringing.
"Do you know who you are talking to?" the voice on the other end
"No," I said.
"Then you must have the wrong number," the voice said and hung

Have you ever decided to love someone because they loved you first?


I've watched the Children of the Third World starving on television.
I've heard the stand up comic ask, "Why didn't the camaraman give
that kid a fucking sandwich?" I know all the mothers of America
have told their kids: "Clean up your plates. There are people starving
in India." When I was young, living on the reservation, eating
potatoes every day of my life, my mother would tell me to "clean
up your plate or your sister will get it."


A woman writes to a man who used to live here. I write back,
pretending I'm the man she's been searching for her whole life.
"Do you still love me?" she writes to ask him, and me.


I do not speak my native tongue. Except that is, for the dirty words.
I can tell you what I think of you in two languages.


EDWALL, WASHINGTON -- 186,000 miles


There is nothing as white as the white girl an Indian boy loves.


A photograph: Trina Andrews, reservation girl, nine years old, in
a wheelchair, legs useless because of cancer, wearing a wig, because
of the baldness induced by chemoltherapy, holding a bag of
Christmas goodies, Santa Claus hovering over her; a dozen kids
surrounding her, all staring into the lens, back at me and you.
In that bag: an orange, a handful of peanuts, a few hard candies,
and miles and miles of air.


My friend, Steve, told me this once: "All the girls I've ever loved
should have had their faces on the back of milk cartons."


Remember this: "Electricity is lightning, pretending to be permanent."


I was in a bar, drinking a beer, because it was filling the glass, when
a stranger walked in.

Sherman Alexie.............from The Business of Fancydancing

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