Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Mornings, I measure the length and width of my basement
bedroom in the HUD house. Like most on the reservation,
our house is unfinished, and I'm worried that something
will change while I sleep.

The ceremony is the same: I awake, shower, comb my hair
into braids, take my tape measure from its hiding place
and work quietly and quickly.

The tape measure I stole from the BIA, its maximum length
is 12 feet, and I worry the reservation will become smaller
every time inventory is taken.

I have no evidence of that.

This morning, I found the wall facing the sunrise had grown
half an inch during the night. I measured, remeasured, found
the growth to be true and accurate.

I would not be telling you this unless I was even more surprised
when I could not fit my feet into my shoes, and made silent when
my father tore down the garage trying to squeeze our infinitely
blue van out the door.

This is happening, you know.

Sherman Alexie...........from Old Shirts & New Skins

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