Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Naming of Indian Boys

The Naming of Indian Boys

Sam Boyd disappeared
in San Francisco, years
before I was born, leaving
two brothers and one-third share
in an uranium mine
no one ever bothered to name.

Jesse Matthews gave his name
to a son before he disappeared.
"This child is mine,"
he must have said, years
ago, unwilling to share
that part of himself, leaving

his wife with the absence, leaving
a son with absence for a name.
Who are these men Indian boys share,
common heroes who disappeared
before we had blankets and years
to shelter them? Can I call them mine?

Can I call anything mine?
Did Sam Boyd, before leaving
the reservation all those years
ago, give everything away? Did he name
the possessions that appeared
in his hands, did he share

his name, will his share
of the uranium mine
to whoever appeared
at his door as he was leaving?
Did Jesse Matthews name
me, name every Indian boy? Year

after year after year,
do Indian boys share
a common, silent name?

Anonymously, has mine
been assigned to those leaving,
others who disappeared?

Do I give away what is mine, leaving
nothing unshared, for the disappeared
to return, years later, wearing my name?

Sherman Alexie............from Old Shirts & New Skins

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