Friday, November 21, 2008

Red Eagle

Painting by Jim Strong

Red Eagle

Red Eagle,
cold, dead, noble, Red Eagle.
Tomorrow they will bury you in the Black Hills.
They think you have left me forever.

When I grow lonely for you
I will walk into the night
and listen to your brother, the wind.
He will tell me if you want me.

I will follow the path through the forest
upon which your moccasins
have trod so many times.
I will hear the night sounds
you have told me about.

I will walk into the valley of Minnelosa,
the sweet grass.
In the white moonlight I will pray.
I will pray to the spirits

and they will speak to me,
as they have spoken to you before.
Then I will touch your tree
and you will softly whisper to me.

You will whisper to me,
Red Eagle,
Red Eagle,
upon the mountain.

Janet Campbell

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