Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fear Song

Collage made up of faces of the U.S. Iraq War Dead

Fear Song

It's late afternoon on a Tuesday afternoon.
There's a heat wave outside. The final mix of Fear Song
is captured to disc. The countdown is on to the completion
of this project, to need for the realization of kindness
in this crazy world.

What insanity, to invade a country for private interests,
and manage to deceive millions of people into standing
behind you, for God, who are willing to send their sons
and daughters as fodder for such foolishness,
because they are afraid.

These so-called leaders in this crusade for oil and money
could be the consummate magicians, wizards,
or how about small time crooks swollen to massive proportion?
This is part of the creation story of this country,
an old theme of invasion and destruction of precious ones
in this world. This country was a project of their
civilization project. Civilization? A civil country is
one in which leaders are chosen on the basis of their commitment
and love for all their people, not for how much they own,
how much money they make, and who they've managed to buy off
with promises and oil. How dare the monsters send their
emissaries of armies of poor people to stand in someone
else's home with blood on their hands and ask to be welcomed.

Fear Song is an offering against this kind of madness.
May we remember the truth of the matter.
We must remember how to trust our perceptions and dreams.
They will reveal the stink behind the glitter.

Be kind to someone.

Joy Harjo.........from her Blogsite

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