Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Reality Show

The Reality Show

Joy Harjo

Nizhoniigo no hey nay
Nizhoniigo no hey wa ney
Nizhoniigo no hey nay
Nizhoniigo no hey wa ney

How do we get out of here?
Smoke hole crowded with too much thinking
Too many seers
And prophets of prosperity
We call it real

What are we doing in this mess of forgetfulness?
Ruled by sharp things, baby girls in stiletto heels
Beloved ones doing street time
We call it real

What are we doing napping, through war?
We've lost our place of in the order of kindness
Children are killing children
We call it real.

What are we doing forgetting love?
Under mountains of trash, a river on fire
We can't be bought, forced or destroyed.
Just what is real?

Nizhoniigo no hey nay
Nizhoniigo no hey wa ney
Nizhoniigo no hey nay
Nizhoniigo no hey wa ney

Nizhoniigo — Navajo (or Dineh) which means movement of beautiful within

© Copyright 2004 Joy Harjo & Trout.
This issue of Trout is sponsored in part by UNESCO.

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