Thursday, January 15, 2009

Redbird's Song

Redbird's Song

Windy, even cool. Redbird singing. We go on. We all go on,
even Redbird whose nest in the mango tree was pushed down by a cat
or mynah bird. I found one of the naked babies on the ground.
Took care of it until the Wild Bird Rescue people here
picked him up. He was so new, but as he warmed up in a nest
of a washcloth on a heating pad he made the same moves
as a human newborn, the same shudders, the same needs.

He's doing well in a nest with another found redbird
his same age in the home of a caretaker.
Redbird sings this morning,
Keeps moving somehow, someway.

Joy Harjo.......from her Blogsite

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