Friday, February 6, 2009

A Good Day to Die

Painting by Kirby Sattler

A Good Day to Die

i feel the bullet slam into me
i fall to the ground but there is no pain
it is a mortal wound
today is a good day to die

my blood spills upon the plains
i have lived well
i have fought well
today is a good day to die

i will soon be walking in the spirit world
joining the old ones who have come before
i hear their voices telling me
today is a good day to die

i do not have much time
the darkness draws near
but i am not afraid
today is a good day to die

do not be sad
i hear the voices of the old ones
i will be joining them soon
today is a good day to die

i sing my death song now
i have lived and fought honorably
tell mother not to cry or forget me
today is a good day to die

(C) karla dorman, 2003

1 comment:

  1. This makes me wonder how I will meet the spirit world when it's my time to go. Let's hope it's fast and clean and I have on clean socks.
