Monday, February 9, 2009

Marginal Notes

Marginal Notes

Dear Sisters, I know you think I've become
Mother's story. My secret verbs and unspoken
nouns as plentiful and round as her's.
Verses, in the wind, singing laundered songs;
words befitting Praises and Hallmark cards.
Chapters, ear-marked; First kiss, best friend,
first born - birthdays and family celebrations.
Sorrows, disappointments: penciled in.
Marginal notes warmed with laughter, soft
socks, Cocoa and fuzzy slippers.
Baked goods, spring flowers, casseroles -
miscarriages, deaths and abortions . . .
Missed calls and appointments; I want to say
"Let's talk." but her book is closed. I hear
myself thinking, "What would Mother do,
what would Mother do now?" You know how
she loved Lilies of the Valley.

Deborah Russell, © 2006

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