Tuesday, February 3, 2009



I cannot smell the scent of the cat
who slept on this sweater, but do know
how the garden swells with old
and pungent herb art. In sun the fox

bows to my feline and her good
dog friends who rule this land. I hoe
and cultivate, find my dead aim
in the trust that many tales spun

this tract long before I came.
The dogs do not understand wild nature.
I also was domesticated.
Oh, give me strength to watch their sorry
looks as a bevy of vixen

feed on a much smaller body
not the cat's ... But it could be.

Linda Hogan


  1. We read this at school lol sorry had to say it this is helpful I left my reading book but this helped me

    1. I did too, and it did rlly help me a lot. thanks!

  2. Same with me. Thanks!

  3. Uh my school ripped this story out of the book so I could not use it for my ESSAY so yeh this helped a lot 🙃

  4. Yea I was panicking because I forgot my book which had this poem and I needed to write an essay so this helped a lot

  5. Forgot my book at school and had to finish a homework assignment for the next day and this help a lot!

  6. We’re not supposed to bring our book and my teacher didn’t post it on google classroom so this was a lot of help
