Monday, March 23, 2009

Three Seattle Songs

Three Seattle Songs


In Emerald City
when you gaze up toward the stars
for inspiration and faith
you often get a face
full of rain
which could explain why
Seattle's the nation's
moist livable city
and the suicide capitol
of the Pacific Rim.


If Seattle's brain
were somewhat less wet
she'd quickly erect
a tall and glittering gambling casino
and pleasure palace
complete with viagra and whores
to cater to millionaire
Japanese geezers
perhaps at Snowqualmie Falls
where now squats in the thundering
waterfall mist
a drab
honeymoon hotel.


I like Seattle best
when the mystical fog rolls in
and you can't see a thing
especially the Space Needle.

Harvey Goldner

1 comment:

  1. Gimme a break Seattle is a fascist hick town where they hang you if you can't pretend to be happy by sundown.
