Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Second Train Song For Gary

A Second Train Song for Gary

by Jack Spicer

When the trains come into strange cities
The citizens come out to meet the strangers.

I love you, Jack, he said
I love you, Jack, he said
At another station.
When passengers come in from strange cities
The citizens come out to help the strangers.

I love you too, I said
I love you too, I said
From another station.
The citizens are kind to passing strangers
And nourish them and kiss their lips in kindness.

I walk the unbelieving streets
I walk the unbelieving streets
In a strange city.
At night in cold new beds the welcomed strangers
Achieve in memory the city's promise.

I wake in love with you
I wake in love with you
At last year's station.
Then say goodbye to citizens and city
Admit this much—that they were kind to strangers.

I leave my love with you
I leave my love with you
In this strange city.

Published over at the Poetry Foundation

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