Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sherman Sez

It's not "Service to our President." It's "Service to our fellow human beings and to the earth and to good and great ideas and to our country. And it's service to contempt, satire, criticism, and suspicion."

Come on, people! Regain your critical thinking skills! I mean, jeez, Obama has already bombed and killed 17 people to prove to the world that he's not the lefty wimp that our rightwing Americans think he is.

Don't get me wrong. Obama has already done some great things, pounding the Republican Sith with his Executive Order-powered light saber, but that just means he's making the moral decisions most of us would make. It means he's being a moral human being.

To paraphrase Chris Rock, "Don't celebrate people for NOT doing the evil shit they weren't supposed to be doing in the first place."

Of all the many crimes that President W committed, don't let him commit the crime of turning you into a non-critical dreamer.

But enough of that, let us celebrate Obama! Let us dance and sing to celebrate the glorious resurrection of our country.

Okay, folks, so I am also excited about Obama and his presidency, but, yeesh, that Inauguration was ten million times too churchified for me. I was perturbed by the faux-inclusiveness of Rick Warren's prayer. And with Elizabeth Alexander's delivery of her poem (That formal occasion demanded a formal poem. Only brilliant meter and rhyme could have stood up to Obama's delivery and the music of Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman.). And, yes, I was also uncomfortable with certain aspects of Obama's speech. And I thank the Almighty (ahem) that the ever brilliant Jon Stewart and his writers clarified some of those difficulties:

But I did love Obama's rip on the Bush Administration's lack of morals. And I loved that Cheney had to arrive in a wheelchair. Here's a photo of Cheney at the Inauguration: - posted 1.21.09

Sherman Alexie..........from his website.

1 comment:

  1. This morning's Times had a full half page cartoon of Britney Spears.
    An awful one.
    And down in the corner in a little gray box shadowed by the bright red ho's pic was a little poem.
    At first I thought it was part of the B.S. (Ha!) article, but then it started to seem intelligent and upon further investigation turned out to be by Mr. Sherman.
    April is poetry month.
    Look to FFTL for some machine age haiku.
