Friday, May 1, 2009

About Mary Crow

About Mary Crow

Raised in Loudonville, Ohio, and educated at the College of Wooster, Indiana University, and the Iowa Writers Workshop, Mary Crow came west to begin a creative writing and teaching career at Colorado State University.

Along with teaching Creative Writing and Contemporary Poetry, Women Writers, Latin, South American and World Poetry, Crow also served as director of CSU's Creative Writing Program.

Now Emeritus Professor of English at Colorado State University, Mary Crow has been awarded Poetry Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Colorado Council on the Arts.

Funded by Fulbright Creative Writing and Research Awards, Mary Crow has taken writing and research trips to Chile, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, and the former Yugoslavia.

She has also been the recipient of numerous writers' residencies both in the United States and abroad, including residencies in Israel, Spain, and the Czech Republic.

Crow has sat on the boards of the University Press of Colorado, the University of Missouri/Kansas City's BkMk Press and the selection panels of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

In addition, she has been a board member of Associated Writing Programs and is a past president of its Writing Program Directors Council: she has also been secretary-treasurer of the American Literary Translators Association.Poet Laureate: Two
appointments as Colorado's Poet Laureate have allowed Mary Crow to raise the visibility of poetry throughout the state. During her tenure she has overseen the implementation of:
Poetry in Motion:
A Poetry Society of America sponsored project that works to place poetry in and on city buses.
Literacy Through Poetry:
An elementary school level literacy program.
Awards for the Innovative Use of Poetry in the Public School Classroom

Data from over on Mary Crow's Blog

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