Friday, May 1, 2009

Climbing the Hills to Mojacar, Spain

** My apologies for not being able to reproduce the correct line breaks.

Climbing the Hill to Mojacar, Spain

The white city lifts
its humans out to sea
from heights buzzed by the sun—
a hive of wings—


Throw the emptiness. . .

here everywhere humming

blur hunched among the sprigged locust trees
& path winding into the sun
speckled loom of the pastures
as I lumber up past a perfect welter
of white egrets startled from the emerald grass
beside black goats whose bells tinkle

they leap away from me


in your arms. . .

Afternoon wind bats
tree limbs back and forth—
where do the birds go?
Grit in the air makes me
squint as I climb to the white
city up the empty road with
only the company of my body
and I am so glad to be
moving into a larger space
as I push thought back:
goats so distant they are
black flecks, their field
shiny green paint: world
I float into, this here now
that blanks out what
I don’t want to remember.


out into that space. . .

the net of language traps
and the world breaks into facts

black notes of wings
explode in a tree


we breathe. —Rilke

Even when trees pull at their roots
and only spaces map

memory Even when I overhear
wind rustle or read the cold’s Braille

When did I imagine thought’s bat
wings fluttering by the eaves in the night?

I pledged pomegranates I pledged white walls
morning glory Words

for the way back

Copyright © Mary Crow
—first published in Ginger Hill
Dept. of English/Slippery Rock University
Posted over on Mary Crow's Blog

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