Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Few Words For Memorial Day

A Few Words For Memorial Day

Ordinary men
act extraordinary,
fierce purpose prevails.

A band of brothers
fight to the death for each other
and the world-at-large.

War, like it or not,
determines one’s survival.
“Life” does not take sides.

Peace is an ideal;
easier said than done, right?
Honor our fallen.

Life is war with peace;
there is no Peace-permanent
’til heaven’s on Earth.

All Armed Services
remind me their loyalty:
one Band of Brothers.

Stark reality
sinks in – strangers died for me!
It’s Life’s greatest gift.

Nation under God,
One Purpose, One way of Life:
All Brother’s Keepers.

I bow to fallen
soldiers past, present, future:
Reverence unfolds.


Copyright © Janet Leigh, 5.25.09. All Rights Reserved
Posted over on Poetmeister

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting my poem here, Glenn; it's always such an honor for me to see my work here on your eclectic blog. Poetmeister 4 Poets! posted a few of your war poems, didja know..;>

    p.s. And thank you so much for your sober but complimentary comments on Poetmeister ..on the road to Parnassus. You always make me feel as tho there's no other poets anywhere in the world..and I get all your kudos! Please don't stop! ;>
