Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Key

Painting by Salvador Dali


What you're looking for, I said,
is the time when you went inside your body
and stayed.
You don't remember but once
when you were very small,
you could be outside it and see everything
for miles
and be inside it at the same time.
You could even be in that place you came from,
that place before any of this ever was.
But then something happened,
something really bad
and you didn't want to see everything anymore.
That's when you went inside.
And that's when the body became a prison
instead of a toy.
If you want to change things,
you have to go back to that bad time
and be willing to be it totally,
live through it all again no matter how bad it is.
Then you can stop hiding and come out.
Then you can be free again.

Albert Huffstickler

Posted over on Nerve Cowboy

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