Saturday, May 9, 2009

On Mother's Day

On Mother's Day

To mothers who mourn
loss of estranged grown children:
We will get through this!

Mother’s love attracts;
homing hearts will find their own
in God’s own good time.

Janet Leigh May 2009
Posted over on Poetmeister

1 comment:

  1. Janet, dear lady, mother, poet, wife, citizen of the universe….yes, your site came to me over a year ago, or has it been two…and it never fails to center me, calm me, sometimes makes me weep, but always makes me smile. Your posting where you pasted on pics of your home and office were very special, and not just to me. You are generous, caring, articulate, and sensitive; perhaps mundane terms, overused, but in your case just part of the light that is you. Go and hug your mother, and be grateful you have a mother to do this for and with. Some of us do not. I love your words/homing hearts/. And that wonderful Gibran poem, so apropos/you are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth/. My relationship with my three grown daughters deepens with the passing of every day. We, as your loving cyber friends (yes, there really are such entities), wish you well, and like the other lengthy hiatus you had in the recent past, we will suffer it, and miss your poetry and wisdom. But, hey, we can look forward to your dropping in on our blogs, and we can have some finger time. Bless you, and happy Mother’s Day.

