Tuesday, May 26, 2009



The son of God said,
"This is my flesh
and this is my blood.
How do you want it cooked?"
"Medium rare," I told him,
"and go easy on the blood."
"French fries?"
"A few."
"How about a small salad?"
"That would be nice."
"You see what I'm trying to do?"
"No, I don't," I told him.
"Well, I'm trying to
bring the sacraments into
every day life. And
at the same time,
make them more graphic.
So nobody wants to eat
flesh if it's uncooked.
And then the wafer-
I just expand two of them
and I have a bun."
"Well, we don't want to
run it into the ground."
"Can I have some onions
on your flesh?"
"Of course.
But you do understand now?"
I want to bring the sacraments
into everyday life,
make them as common as
a hamburger."
"Kind of a McJesus," I said.
"You got it."

Albert Huffstickler

Posted over on Nerve Cowboy

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