Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sensitivity Training


Here's how it went down: I was sitting
near the bar with Big Gus when the
jukebox started playing "Plaisir D'Amour"
which was Big Gus's favorite as all the
regulars knew as they knew that Big Gus
required complete silence till the song
ended. So the room got very quiet-
except for one table where three guys
continued to carry on a conversation.
Big Gus got up, walked over to their
table and sad, "Excuse me, Gentlemen,
but I'm listening to that song and your
conversation is distracting me." The
biggest guy looked up at Big Gus and
said, "You're kidding, right?" And Big
Gus said quietly, "No sir, I'm not
kidding," at which point the guy snickered
and turned his back on Gus (a mistake)
and proceeded to continue the conversation.
Big Gus looked over at me, shrugged
apologetically then picked the guy up
and threw him through the front window.
The second one he downed with the chair
that the first one had been sitting on
and the third escaped through the hole
made by the first guy with the assistance of Gus's
size fourteen boot-whereupon big Gus
reseated himself across from me to
resume his listening undisturbed. No
one was even breathing. As the last
strains died, Big Gus looked over at
me and sighed. "I guess I'll never get
used to it," he said. "It's really
hard being so sensitive."

Albert Huffstickler

Posted over on Nerve Cowboy

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