Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Whole Truth


I keep thinking about it:
the first time Jennifer came over,
I took her in the bedroom and
showed her my walk-in closet,
a masterpiece of chaos and confusion
(boxes of papers, suitcases, a
lamp that doesn't work, complete
with shade, all the detritus of
a disordered life). What was I
saying? Was I giving her all
my secrets? Was it a warning?
Maybe it was a statement, like, "If you
think this is bad, you should see
my subconscious." Be that as
it may, I picked this person-on
her first visit-to display
what most people will never see.
But maybe this is the best way
to begin a friendship: start
with the worst and then slowly
work your way around to the best.
It's a thought anyway. Well,
at least she didn't run out
screaming. I even saw her again
later. Everything was just the
way it was except-well, you know:
I could feel her watching me.

Albert Huffstickler

Posted over on Nerve Cowboy

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