Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Baby

The Baby

CL Bledsoe

We killed the baby with our teeth.
We killed it with questions about God.
We killed the baby and sold its unused
diapers to transients. We killed the baby
so we could sleep. The baby wasn't ours.
We killed someone else's baby.
The baby's real parents paid us to kill it.
The baby wasn't real. We were real, though.
We had a cashier's check to prove it.
We kept it in her purse until we could
make it to the bank.
We buried the baby under our porch.
We planted bushes around our porch.
The bushes died.
We killed the bushes by not fertilizing
them properly. Babies don't make good
fertilizer. This was our lesson.
This was what we learned.

Posted over on elimae

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